CoWriters - Sell Writing Services Online

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CoWriters is a cutting-edge solution designed to elevate your writing business to new heights. Sell your writing services effortlessly with CoWriters. Manage orders, assign tasks, payments, and writers seamlessly through our advanced application and e-commerce website built on the Laravel Framework. Customize pricing based on Fixed Price, Per Word, or Per Page models, considering factors like Subjects, Work Levels, Paper Formats, Writer Categories, Languages, Word Spacing Types, and Urgencies, etc. Create a superior customer experience with user-friendly features and transparent communication. Trust in our secure platform for seamless transactions. Step into the future of online writing service management with CoWriters.

Built with Laravel Framework



Application Login URL:

Admin Login

Password: 123456

Writer Login

Password: 123456


Customer Login

Password: 123456




Experience the Power of Advanced Management Features

Read more about the features below and try the demo to see how CoWriters can help you succeed.


User Registration

Allow users to register, login, and manage their accounts. Writers can also register and provide their basic personal information, such as name, email address, and country of origin. Once registered, writers can take a grammar test.

Services & Pricing Management

Offers the ability to create an unlimited number of services with customizable pricing based on work levels, subjects, word spacing, writer categories, urgency, etc. Choose from fixed price, per word, or per page pricing policies. Optional services can be created to provide additional value to customers.

Order Placement

Customers fill out an order form with details such as the type of document needed, subject, pages or words, writer category, deadline, and specific instructions. Upon receiving an order, the system automatically sends an email notification.

Payment Processing

Experience hassle-free payment processing with industry-leading payment gateways such as Stripe, Paypal, and Braintree. Offline payment methods can also be managed through the admin panel to cater to diverse payment preferences.

Order Management

The admin can manage orders from the admin panel, track their progress through different stages, and oversee tasks such as writing, editing, and final review.

Browse Job Listings

Writers have the freedom to browse unassigned tasks and select those that best fit their skills and status. This feature can be activated or deactivated.

Bid Placement

Writers can place bids on tasks based on their criteria and skills. Customers can review writers' ratings and qualifications to make informed decisions when assigning tasks. This feature can be activated or deactivated.

Task Assignment

Orders can be directly assigned to suitable writers through the admin panel. Progress can be tracked with various statuses, and notifications are sent for each milestone achieved.

Real-time Communication

Enable real-time communication and collaboration between customers, writers, and the admin. All messages between customers and writers appear in the admin panel for monitoring compliance with site rules and regulations.

Customer Feedback/Rating

Customers can provide feedback and ratings after order delivery, providing valuable insights for improving service quality and building a reliable reputation.

Customer Portal

Provide customers with a personalized dashboard for managing their accounts, orders, payments, and accessing features such as order tracking, messaging, and payment history.

Writer's Portal

Send invitations to skilled writers and offer them a separate panel for managing their profiles, tasks, communication, payment requests, and more. The writer's portal allows writers to find suitable tasks and deliver top-notch service.

Writer Levels & Skills

Rank writers based on the number of good ratings, order deliveries, and reputation on the platform. Different levels such as standard, premium, and platinum can be assigned. Keep track of their bios, skills, and other information through the admin panel.

Writer Recruitment and Test

Allow writers to apply and take a grammar test directly on your website. Track their progress, enroll qualified candidates with one click, and send them notification emails with their login information.

Wallet Top-Up

Offer customers the convenience of a digital wallet for topping up and managing their funds. Users can easily make purchases without cash or credit cards.


Customize currency settings, including digit grouping symbols and formatting, to meet specific needs.

Email Settings

Easily manage email notifications by choosing between SMTP and Mailgun. Configure email settings directly from the email settings page.

SMS Settings

Enable SMS notifications and choose between Vonage and Twilio. Configure SMS settings from the SMS settings page.

Coupon Code

Create coupon codes for orders, allowing customers to apply them and receive a percentage discount from the main price.

Customizable Website

The application includes customization options such as changing website colors, images, and layouts to make it unique and stand out.



PHP >= 8.1
MySQL 5.1+
BCMath PHP Extension
Ctype PHP Extension
Fileinfo PHP Extension
JSON PHP Extension
Mbstring PHP Extension
OpenSSL PHP Extension
PDO PHP Extension
Tokenizer PHP Extension
XML PHP Extension
Directory Permissions


Workflow and Operations

Here is a complete list of how the system works:

  1. Installation and Configuration: Admin installs the script and customizes the website, including elements such as colors, contents, logo, etc., and also creates services and prices.
  2. User Registration: Writers and customers register accounts, providing their necessary details to create profiles within the system.
  3. Writer Application: Writers apply to join the system by submitting their credentials, writing samples, and relevant experience for review by the admin.
  4. Writer Selection: The admin reviews writer applications and can directly invite specific writers to join the system based on their qualifications and skills.
  5. Order Placement: Customers submit detailed orders, including project requirements, deadlines, word count, formatting instructions, and any additional specifications.
  6. Bid Placement: Writers place bids on the order based on their criteria and skills.
  7. Order Assignment: The customer assigns the order to a writer. Additionally, the admin assigns orders to suitable writers based on their expertise, availability, ratings, and other relevant criteria.
  8. Communication: Customers and writers communicate through an integrated messaging system to discuss project details, clarify requirements, and address any queries.
  9. Content Delivery: Writers submit completed work through the system, which clients can review, request revisions if necessary, and ultimately approve for final delivery.
  10. Review and Rating System: Customers provide feedback and ratings on completed orders, helping to maintain quality standards and build a reliable reputation for writers.
  11. Notifications: The system sends automated notifications to customers and writers regarding order updates, messages, payment status, and other relevant information.
  12. Submit Payment Request: Once writers finish working on a project, they submit a payment request providing the necessary payment details, such as preferred payment method, account information, and any additional instructions.
  13. Review And Verification: The admin reviews the payment request and verifies the completed work.
  14. Analytics and Reporting: The application offers analytical tools to view reports and track income.

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