Thank you for your interest in Droptaxi. Our most advanced taxi software solution.
Droptaxi is a full-featured software solution for modern taxi businesses. It works the same way as Uber or Lyft but with more advanced features to give you an edge in the competitive online taxi market.

Reasons to buy Droptaxi
- Production ready software already in use by businesses and making profits
- Highly performant and stable software
- Low running costs
- Beautiful App user interface with awesome animations
- Smart and accurate calculations applied for coupon discounts, referrals, rewards, commissions and cancellation costs
- Fully white-labelled with easy customizations
- Easy to setup and configure
- Multiple language support for both RTL and LTR language
- Inter city and inter state long distance trips support
- Multiple city support with smart currency conversions
- Hybrid Apps with single code base shared between Android and iOS
- Blazing fast as no framework is used. Core PHP based server code
- Actively developed and supported software with frequent updates
- Detailed documentation
- Free lifetime updates
Features at a glance
Rider App
- Profile Update
- Rider Referrals
- Multi Route / City support
- Multi language includes English, French, Spanish, Portuguese, German, Arabic, Hindi and Russian.
- Coupon Discounts
- Wallet / Cash Payments
- Wallet top-up
- Transaction History
- Ride History
- Scheduled Rides
- Favourite locations
- Recent destinations
- View assigned driver details
- Ride OTP Code
- Rating / Review
- Reward points
- Vehicle Types
- Tariff Options(Day/Night, peak periods)
- Notifications
- Nearby Drivers
- In-app Chat
- Location sharing
- Resume Trip
- Inter-State Rides
- In-app Help Guide
Driver App
- Profile Update
- Driver Referrals
- Promotions
- In-app chat
- View current rider details
- Location sharing
- Resume Trip
- Background mode operation
- Trip meter
- Time online
- Earnings History
- Wallet top-up and withdrawals
- Ride History
- Scheduled Rides
- Rating / Review
- Contact Rider
- Notifications
- Nearby Drivers
- In-app Registrations
- In-app Navigation to rider pick-up and drop-off locations
- Availability toggle
- Realtime computed trip distance and duration
- In-app Help Guide
Web Admin Panel
- Customer, Staff and Driver account management
- App management
- Vehicle and City / Tariff management
- Franchise (Fleet) management
- Ride Tracking
- Referrals management
- Fleet management
- Reward points
- Custom emails for registrations and password recovery
- Data export to Excel spreadsheets
- Coupon codes management
- Message Broadcast notifications
- Financial / Operations statistics and Reports
- Payouts
- Bookings management
- Four account privilege types: Franchise, Dispatcher, Biller and Administrator account types
Rider App

Driver App

Web Admin. Panel
Account type: Select Admin from the list
Password: Droptaxi
Download Offline Documentation

- A Linux VPS server with atleast 1GB RAM (2GB recommended): Required to run the backend software.
- Google cloud account with billing enabled: Required for display of maps on the Rider and Driver Apps and Web panel, Distance calculations and trip fare estimation, Places search and Reverse Geocoding.
- Firebase account (same as google cloud account): Required for Rider account activation through Phone Authentication. Also needed for push notification and realtime database.
- Google developer account for publishing android apps to play store
- Apple developer account for publishing iOS apps to testflight and app store
Package Content
After purchase, you will receive a package with the following content:
- Documentation: Contains the documentation in PDF format
- Android: contains rider and driver folders. Each contains source files of android versions of rider and driver apps respectively.
- iOS: contains rider and driver folders. This contains source files of iOS versions of the rider and driver apps.
- Server: contains drop-files and public folders. These are the sources files of the web admin backend software.
Follow the detailed instructions in the documentation to setup and run Droptaxi on your server as well as to build and generate the required App files for publishing on Playstore and App store
Which license to buy, Regular or Extended license?
The regular license gets you the complete Droptaxi software suite for your business. This is a single domain license of Droptaxi. You should buy this license if you have the technical experience of setting up Linux servers yourself as well as configuring the apps and publishing to the stores. If you lack this experience then get in touch with us. We offer setup and installation service with technical support for a token.
The extended license offers you the full package of Droptaxi. This is a multiple domain license which means you can setup Droptaxi on unlimited domains for different businesses and start earning money. You will get full server configuration and installation service, Apps customization and publishing to stores, full source code access and 3 months technical support service from us.
For more information, checkout the Droptaxi website
We offer premium support services for customers who have purchased Droptaxi. Our support services ranges from installations, payment gateway integrations, customizations and feature integration.
If you have purchased the regular license, you will have to pay for setup and installation separately. Including technical support. Extended license buyers have access to free setup and installation, publishing to app stores as well as 3 month technical support.
Before you purchase Droptaxi, please take time to try the demo app and web admin panel. Ask questions if you are in doubt of anything. Once you purchase Droptaxi we do not offer refunds.
Contact us if you need help through these channels:
Change Log
- Rider and Driver Apps – v2.1.1 (16 April 2024)
- -Fixed fare rounding
- -Fixed promo-code validity check
- -Broadcast message with Image is now visible in-app
- -Fixed language translation issues
- -Fixed UI quirks on phones with small screens
- -Added manual city selection fallback if user GPS is turned off and user location or city can’t be detected automatically
- -Android apps now ignore system font-size setting. This gives a more consistent UI
- -Fixed an issue on the driver app where trip duration is doubled if a trip is resumed
- -Cordova iOS now upgraded to version 7.1.0
- -Fixed issue with push notification permission request on devices running Android 13 and up.
- Web Admin Panel – v2.3.2 (16 April 2024)
- Added ability to update drivers fare commission based on city or all drivers at the same time.
- Language translation fixes
- Bug fixes and stability improvements
- -Rider and Driver Apps – v2.1.0 (25 October 2023)
- -Apps now run on Cordova 12 platform
- -Android target SDK 33
- -Image picker now includes camera as source
- -New and improved user interface and experience
- -In-app customer chat support added
- -Deleting accounts on the app does not delete the user records but flags it
- -Banners added
- -New list vehicle selection dialog added on rider app. Switch between old carousel view and new list view
- -Six animated vehicle icons for different vehicle types for display on app maps. Tracks driver moves and turns
- -Trip fare rounding. Round fares to integer, nearest 10, nearest 50 and more
- -Automatic city detection on the rider app as a result the routes menu have been removed
- -Custom registration documents with ability to set expiry date and enter document IDs
- -On-trip chat now has image upload ability. Rider and drivers can now exchange both text and images in chat
- -Proper background location added in driver app. GPS coordinates can be read and sent to server at all times even when app is in background or phone locked
- -Added alarm notification sound. Driver phone rings when trip request is received with app in background or foreground or phone is locked
- -Added move to foreground capability. Driver app is brought to the foreground when trip request is received. Draw over app must be enabled in settings for this feature to work
- -Simplified registration on apps. Registration is quicker and takes fewer steps
- -Login now requires phone number only with an SMS OTP. Passwords are optional
- -Drivers can now edit their bank account details on app
- -Additional payment gateways added: PayPal, PayTm, and PhonePe
- Interstate trips are now dispatched automatically instead of manually from the admin panel. Only trips added from the admin panel are dispatched manually
- -Drivers can now display a trip request screen on the driver app by tapping on the notification
- - Driver earnings is now displayed using a bar chart. Driver can view their earning for the day and other past days of the week
- -Fixed issue where driver apps missed ride requests when the driver’s phone has a wrong time set
- -Improved trip meter distance and duration detection
- -Improved general performance and stability of the apps. Timers used in animating items displayed on the screen now get suspended when the app is background and resumed when the app is in foreground
- Web Admin Panel – v2.3.0 (25 October 2023)
- Update FCM API to V1 Http API
- Redis data store has been added to handle high frequency requests and caching. This helps free up MySQL
- Broadcast messages can now be sent with images
- - New dashboard design displays more at-a-glance information with charts
- -New maps tracker track every driver on map. displays driver motion and turns
- - Zones added. Different fares can be set for different zones within a city
- -Fixed coupon codes bug where some coupon users will not use the coupon up to the set limit due to total limit reached
- -Coupons can now be set to be applied if a fare is above a set value
- -Cities now require a boundary to be drawn around the city perimeter. This enables automatic city detection on the rider app
- -Added ability to create custom documents which rider and drivers must upload to keep their accounts active
- -Added data export to Microsoft Excel fie format (XLS). Exporting data now exports the data as seen on the page
- Added ability to respond to chat support messages
- Chats during a trip can now be viewed in the booking view page
- Phone number format verification have been added. Attempt to create multiple accounts with the same phone number with different formats now fails
- - Added more ways to filter and view data records
- Improved server time syncing between the apps and the server. When the apps are started the server time is synched with the user’s phone time. This ensures notifications are received timely
- Rider and Driver Apps – v2.0.2 (1 October 2022)
- -Implements new Android 12 Splashscreen
- -Android 13 compatibility
- -Targets Android API 31
- -Driver iOS App released
- -Improvements to driver app trip meter for more accurate recording of trip distance and duration
- -Improvements to the auto-dispatch service
- -Bug fixes
- Rider and Driver Apps – v2.0.1 (16 August 2022)
- -Changed the default map location on the rider apps to always point to the rider’s location on startup
- -Fixed apps profile image and image upload button off center misalignment on tablet devices
- -Payment gateway websites now open within the apps rather than redirect to browser during wallet top-up
- -Improved general performance and stability of the apps
- Web Admin Panel – v2.2.0 (16 August 2022)
- - Added ability to create new bookings from the admin panel for any customer
- - Excel file export of withdrawals and payouts data now includes driver account details. Franchise account details is also included for payout requests from franchise account
- - Active driver limit has been removed as this often confused our buyers
- Rider and Driver Apps – v2.0.0 (11 July 2022)
- Redesigned user interface
- Added multiple language support with 8 default languages
- Added multiple destination support
- Added ability to setup OTP at the before the start or end of a trip. Or even disable OTP
- Replaced PubNub with Firebase realtime database
- Added trip resuming capability to rider app
- Upgraded Firebase phone authentication support
- Replaced SMS with In-app realtime chat
- Added driver Tips
- Rewrote how promotions work
- Added rewards
- Expanded referrals on driver app
- Driver app can now show number of trips completed, earnings and time online for the day
- iOS Rider App 2.0.0 released
- Increased driver app ride progress update frequency
- Added background mode operation on driver app
- Changed driver search animation on rider app
- Web Admin Panel – v2.1.1 (11 July 2022)
- - Dashboard now shows bird’s eye view of all drivers
- - Manual dispatch for inter state rides have been fixed
- - Added referral count display on driver page view
- - Added MS Excel data export
- - Added SMTP support for Emails as well as custom emails for registration and password recovery
- - Fixed TinyMce Image upload
- - Improved payment gateway integration
- - Rewrote the auto dispatch service for firebase realtime database support and ability to easily expand it’s capability in subsequent updates.
- - Wallet topup button presets on Apps can now be configured on the web panel
- - Available banks offered in the driver app during registration can now be configured on the web panel
- -Driver tips button presets can now be configured on the web panel
- -OTP can now be configured on the web panel
- -Payment methods can now be configured on the web panel
- -Reward points can now be configured on the web panel
- Rider and Driver Apps – v1.0.5 (20 August 2021)
- - Added Paystack and Pesapal Payment gateways
- - Code has now been structured for easy custom payment gateway integration
- - Apps now target Android API Level 30
- - Migrated libraries to AndroidX
- - Revamped UI of Rider and Driver Apps
- - Cash Payment now set as Default in Rider App
- - Driver can now resume an uncompleted ride after closing the App
- - Increased driver location update frequency
- Web Admin Panel – v2.0.3 (20 August 2021)
- - User timezone now automatically detected and used as default for time display
- - Rider trip cancellations are now billed correctly. Amount deducted is based on the wallet balance of the rider and the cancellation cost set. The driver get a compensation amount after ride cancellations. Set cancellation cost of zero to disable billing.
- - Tweaks on the automatic dispatcher service now makes driver allocations faster
- - Option to set the default driver commission has been added in settings page
- - Fixed an issue where drivers receive broadcast messages sent to riders
- - Fixed an issue where transaction amount displayed in driver transactions page was in the wrong currency
- Rider and Driver Apps – v1.0.4 (29 May 2021)
- - Initial release