Genius HYIP - All in One Investment Platform

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User Features

    • Smart Dashboard Statistics
    • Dark Mode Facility
    • User Registration System
    • Multiple Language System
    • Multiple Currency Opportunity
    • Advanced Transaction Sorting and Searching
    • All the Transactions with Details
    • Investment Opportunity
    • Investment History Sorting with Detail Information
    • Able to transfer Money and Transfer History
    • Send Request Money and Request History
    • Receive Request Money and History
    • Advance Deposit System
    • Previous Deposit Management
    • Standard Withdrawal System
    • Withdrawal History with Smart Sorting System
    • Referral URL Generate.
    • Referred Users Informations
    • Referral Commission Log
    • Support Ticket Opportunity
    • Able to Edit Own Profile
    • 2 Factor Authentication Security
    • Password Changing and Recovery System
    • And much more..

Other Dynamic Features

    • Advanced Profit Calculation
    • Standard Contact Section
    • Blog Sharing Opportunity
    • Able to Make comments on Blog
    • Expert Member Contact Details
    • Email Notification System
    • Social Connection Opportunity

Admin Features

  • Standard Dashboard Statistics
  • Advanced Menu Builder features to Manage Landing Page
  • Able to Select Built-in Menus to Website Menus
  • Able to create Custom Menu
  • Referral System and Level Management
  • Plan Creation opportunity
  • Plan Management
  • Manages Plans Activation/Deactivation Status
  • Schedule Creation Opportunity
  • Schedule Management
  • Get All the Customer lists with details information
  • Customer Info & Status Management
  • Manage User KYC Approve and Reject Status
  • User KYC Information handling
  • User KYC Modules Management
  • Referral Service Activation and Deactivation
  • Able to set Referral New user and User Bonus.
  • Get all the Invests Information
  • Handle invests Status
  • All the Transaction with the details
  • Withdrawal Request Handling
  • Withdrawal Method Management
  • New Withdrawal Method Creation Opportunity
  • Deposit Management
  • All Money Request Management
  • Manages Money Request Settings
  • Blog Category Handling
  • Blog Posts Management
  • Logo and Favicon Management
  • Able to Manages Loader
  • Advanced Website Contents Management
  • Set Login Email Verifications Activation/Deactivation
  • Withdraw Activation and Deactivation
  • KYC Activation and Deactivation Settings
  • Two Factor Authentication Status Management
  • Disqus Status Management
  • Dynimcally Manages Theme Color
  • Advanced Currency Format Management
  • Phone Code handling
  • Footer and Error Page Management
  • Smart Website Maintenance Feature
  • Able to set and update breadcrumb banner
  • Manages holidays day setting
  • Hero Section Management
  • Manages About us section
  • About us Counter Management
  • Partners Section Handling
  • Profit Calculate Section Content Managing
  • Able to manage How to Start section
  • Manages new Register Process
  • Manage Referral Section
  • Feature Section Management
  • Team Section Management
  • Testimonial Section Handling
  • Brand Section Handling
  • Manages Call to Action Part
  • Smart Section Heading
  • Email Templates Management
  • Opportunity to Configure the Email
  • SMTP Activation and Deactivation Status
  • Group Email Sending Feature
  • Customer messages Management
  • Currency Management
  • Payment Gateways Handling
  • System Roles Management
  • Staff Handling
  • Advanced KYC Form Management
  • Standard Language Settings
  • Smart Fonts Management
  • FAQ page Management
  • Contact Us page Management
  • Other Pages handling
  • Login and Registration Page Management
  • Google Analytics Management
  • Website Meta Keywords Management
  • Handing Social Links
  • Manages Sitemaps
  • Subscribers Management Opportunity
  • Subscriber Management Opportunity
  • Smart Cache Clearing System
  • And much more..


Admin Demo:

Admin Login:

User Demo:

User Login:

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