PHP Form Builder - Advanced HTML forms generator with Drag & Drop

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What is PHP Form Builder?

PHP Form Builder is a complete library based on a PHP class, which allows you to program any type of form and layout them using simple functions and/or using its drag & drop form generator.

Forms can both be generated with Drag & drop and/or programmed in PHP.

PHP Form Builder includes the best Javascript plugins available and allows you to implement them in a very simple and elegant way.

Validation (live and server side), sending emails and records in a database are also extremely simplified.

The documentation is suitable for both novice PHP users and experienced programmers.

Numerous examples of code are available: TemplatesHow toFunction reference, ...

Quick & efficient help guaranteed.

Please note that, unlike most other Form Builders, PHP Form Builder does not have a built-in backend.
This allows users to manage form data as they see fit.

The provided PHP PDO class provides all the necessary functions for inserting/editing records in a MySQL database.

Looking for a CRUD Generator?

PHP Crud Generator, another of our tools available on Codecanyon, will be perfect for that purpose. Suitable for both programmers and non-programmers.

Main featuresMain features

  • Build any form with any frameworkBuild any form with any framework
  • Validate posted valuesValidate posted values
  • Send your emails using customizable html/css templatesSend your emails using customizable html/css templates
  • Connect your databaseConnect your database and Insert, Update or Delete records
  • 300+ prebuilt templates included300 + prebuilt templates included
  • Bootstrap formsBootstrap 4 Forms
  • Bootstrap formsBootstrap 5 Forms
  • Bootstrap formsBulma Forms
  • Bootstrap formsFoundation Forms
  • Bootstrap formsMaterial Forms
  • Bootstrap formsTailwind Forms
  • Bootstrap formsuiKit Forms
  • PHP Form Builder Visual Studio Code plugin Visual Studio Code plugin
  • Sublime-text 3 plugin Sublime-text plugin

Generate any type of formGenerate any type of form

  • Contact FormContact Forms
  • Registration FormRegistration Forms
  • Login FormLogin Forms
  • Order FormOrder Forms
  • Ajax FormAjax Forms
  • Modal FormModal Forms
  • Step FormStep Forms
  • Dynamic fields FormDynamic fields Forms
  • Accordion FormAccordion Forms
  • ...  & much more …

Highly customizable layoutHighly customizable layout

  • Horizontal FormsHorizontal Forms
  • Vertical FormsVertical Forms
  • Inline FormsInline Forms
  • IconsIcons
  • HelpersHelpers
  • TooltipsTooltips
  • Input groupsInput groups
  • Button groupsButton groups
  • FieldsetsFieldsets
  • ColumnsColumns
  • Any custom HtmlAny custom Html

PHP Form Builder generates clean HTML5 markup (validated with W3C), with two separates functions to generate CSS and JS code, so you can render them separately.Plugin CSS & JS files are combined and compressed for minimum weight and fast loading

Suitable for use with any CMS

Wordpress Wordpress


Wordpress Drupal

IDE extensions and plugins for auto-completion

PHP Form Builder Visual Studio CodeVisual Studio Code

PHP Form Builder Sublime Text pluginSublime-text 3 plugin

PHP Form Builder Bracket pluginBracket plugin

Build Bootstrap 4Bootstrap 5BulmaFoundationMaterial DesignTailwind & uiKit forms

Bootstrap 4, Bootstrap 5 cssBootstrap 4 / Bootstrap 5 css

  • Choose your prefered theme among the preview themes (most from Bootswatch)
  • ... or use your own Bootstrap to match your site design
  • Can be used with any other framework
  • Can be used without any framework

Material Design FormsMaterial Design Forms

  • Add Material Design plugin to generate Modern Material Forms
  • Material forms are built with Materialize. This means that you can build Material forms and use Bootstrap themes simultaneously.

Foundation FormsFoundation Forms

  • Create Foundation 5 and Foundation 6 forms

Powerful Javascript plugins integrationPowerful Javascript plugins integration

Add any special field in just one line of code

High quality Javascript plugins, including:


  • SlimselectSlimselect
  • Select2Select2
  • Bootstrap SelectBootstrap Select
  • Pretty CheckboxPretty Checkbox
  • iCheckiCheck
  • Nice CheckNice Check
  • LC-SwitchLC-Switch


  • ColorpickerColorpicker
  • Litepicker (Date / Daterange picker)Litepicker (Date / Daterange picker)
  • LaddaImage picker
  • Material Design DatepickerMaterial Design Datepicker
  • Material Design TimepickerMaterial Design Timepicker
  • Pickadate DatepickerPickadate Datepicker
  • Pickadate TimepickerPickadate Timepicker


  • Javascript ValidatorJavascript Validator (50$ value)
  • JS-CaptchaJS-Captcha
  • HCaptchaHCaptcha
  • Google RecaptchaGoogle Recaptcha


  • ModalModal
  • PopoverPopover


  • File uploadjQuery File upload (12$ value)


  • TinymceTinymce


  • AccordionAccordion
  • AutocompleteAutocomplete
  • Bootstrap Input SpinnerBootstrap Input Spinner
  • Dependent FieldsDependent Fields
  • Intl Tel Input (International Phone Numbers)Intl Tel Input (International Phone Numbers)
  • Ladda (Buttons spinners)Ladda (Buttons spinners)
  • Material Design MaterializeMaterialize
  • PassfieldPassfield (password generator / checker)
  • TooltipTooltip
  • Signature padSignature pad
  • Word/character counterWord/character counter

You can easily add any other external plugin.

Activate any Javascript plugin with a single line of code !
Store several Javascript plugin configurations, and call them with a single line of code !
When you activate a plugin, the needed css and js files will be automatically rendered.

Complete documentation and Functional Templates online

Wordpress & CMS users

The forms can be loaded in any .html page with Ajax Loading.
You do not have to add any PHP code to your page, the PHP code will be in a separate php file.


Complete documentation :

  • Form generation with options for layout (horizontal, vertical, inline).
  • Accepts any HTML5 form elements, including fieldsets, multiple selects, optgroups, button groups, ...
  • Allows to customize HTML with wrappers, IDs, classes and attributes, Javascript events, custom code almost anywhere.
  • Default options ready for Bootstrap.
  • Email sending with advanced options.
  • Database recording
  • Server-side validation, with multilanguage errors gestion.
  • Powerful integration of any Javascript plugin : configure the plugin XML file, PHP Form Builder will generate all code for you (CSS includes, JS includes and JS Domready).
  • Can memorize several custom configurations with each plugin (as many as you want), so you can reuse them easily.
  • Renders separate HTML code, CSS includes code for plugins, JS includes code for plugins and JS Domready code for plugins.
  • Can display HTML code for debug purpose.
  • 20 prebuilt templates included
  • Complete documentation with examples.
  • Support on Codecanyon, by e-mail at or by phone.

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