QuickDate is a social application for QuickDate PHP Script Dating social network, with QuickDate users can Match & Interact with users profiles and like and find near by and more, Now using the application is easier, and more fun !
QuickDate is Xamarin Android Native app that is easy, secured, and it will be regularly updated.

-QuickDate PHP script v1.5 or higher.
-Visual Studio 2022 and Xamarin Android Native
-If you are charging your users or sell in-app purchases you should obtain the extended license
What does Extended license includs?
1-Extra payment system such as Google in app billing
2-More priority in ticket replies

User Features:
- ِLike: User can like users in find match page..
- Chat: Send, receive messages.
- Regitration pages and steps.
- Share and upload images and more.
- Offline access to all messages and recent conversions.
- Image Caching system.
- Explore New Users and Friends and nearby.
- Control Your Privacy and Settings.
- Pro System: User can get top features by subscribing to one of the script pro packages. .
- Change Profile information.
- Credit System: User should purchase credit to use it on messages, gifts, likes. etc.
- 10+ Payment Gatways: We give you most of the pupolar payments solution in order for you to earn money.
- ِ30+ new features.
Android Version 3.4 (6 June 2024)
- [Migrated] To.Net 8.0 – Android 14 SDK + Build tools 34.
- [Added] Mediation between ads system Admob vs AppLovin.
- [Added] Rewarded Advertising System.
- [Added] A dialog box to select the language application.
- [Fixed] Start calling service.
- [Fixed] Update last chats.
- [Fixed] Delete Favorites.
- [Fixed] Show count unread message on the tap last chats.
- [Fixed] In App Billing Google.
- [Fixed] Crash app when open Pix Image Picker.
- [Fixed] SQLite Connection.
- [Fixed] Other bugs.
- [Updated] Braintree PayPal.
- [Updated] Stripe system.
- [Updated] For multiple packages.
Android Version 3.3 (29 Jan 2024)
This update focuses on enhancing the user experience with new features, improving call quality, and extending notification functionalities. It also addresses various fixes and system updates for a smoother operation.
- [Added] Search functionality with filters.
- [Added] Timer sound and quality level adjustments for Twilio audio calls.
- [Added] Notifications for incoming calls.
- [Added] integration with OneSignal.
- [Updated] Braintree PayPal and Stripe payment systems
- [Updated] Google Ads (AdMob) system, Google services
- [Fixed] Issues with the call system, last chat updates, friend request acceptances, and password recovery.
- [Fixed] Live streaming functionality and profile access for pro users.
- [Fixed] App Store review process and various other bugs for improved stability.
- [Removed] AdColony system in compliance with Google’s guidelines.
- [New] Reporting system with enhanced API for user reports.
Android Version 3.1 (20 April 2023)
This update focuses on fixing reported bugs and adding FlutterWave and AppLovin ads system.
- [Added] AppLovin Ads .
- [Added] FlutterWave Payment gateway.
- [Update] BrainTree PayPal gateway.
- [Update] Google Services.
- [Fixed] Payment issues.
- [Fixed] 10+ Reported Bugs.
Android Version 3.0 (18 February 2023)
This update focuses on new payment gateways and a few other updates for functions and packages to meet the 2023 google requirements.
- [Migrated] To Net7.0 – Android 13 SDK + Build tools 33.
- [Added] PayStack Payment gateway.
- [Added] AamarPay Payment gateway.
- [Update] Stripe Payment gateway.
- [Update] CashFree Payment gateway.
- [Update] New Cert Key.
- [Update] Google Services.
- [Update] Google billing system.
- [Fixed] Payment issues.
- [Fixed] 5+ Reported Bugs.
Android Version 2.9 (16 December 2022)
- [Migrated] To Android 12 SDK + Build tools 32.
- [Update] Agora call & live streaming system.
- [Update] Google billing system.
- [Fixed] Payment issues.
- [Fixed] 10+ Reported Bugs.
Android Version 2.8.1 (2 December 2022)
- [Update] To meet Google Play’s new requirements.
- [Update] Agora call & live streaming system.
- [Update] Google billing system.
Android Version 2.8 (10 November 2022)
- [Migrated To Android 12.1 SDK + build tools 32
- [NEW] Redesigned UI Theme.
- [Added] 30+ New designed screens.
- [Added] Shimer loading view.
- [Added] New report system.
- [Added] Filter by location on card view.
- [Fixed] Facebook login issue.
- [Fixed] PayPal payment bugs.
- [Fixed] Load more messages.
- [Fixed] 10 reported bugs.
Android Version 2.7.1 (7 July 2022)
- [Fixed] Get_option API reported bugs.
Android Version 2.7 (29 June 2022)
- [Added] Withdraw method by bank & paypal.
- [Added] Get all user is live now.
- [Added] Authorizenet payment.
- [Added] Razorpay payment.
- [Added] Securionpay payment.
- [Added] Iyzipay payment.
- [Added] Google UGC privacy.
- [Update] ATO custom profile.
- [Update] Google services.
- [Update] New cert key (with new security dll).
- [Fixed] Live Stream Issues.
- [Fixed] WoWonder login Issues.
- [Fixed] 5 reported bugs.
Android Version 2.6.2 (Stable Release) (7 May 2022)
- [Fixed] The ability to see user profile data.
- [Fixed] Reading message check.
- [Fixed] The ability to see blocked users.
- [Fixed] The ability to see messages badge.
- [Fixed] 5 reported bugs.
Android Version 2.6 (15 April 2022)
- [Added] New cert key.
- [Update] Google services.
- [Update] AOT custom profile.
- [Fixed] Android 12 issue with material components.
- [Fixed] Aplash screen page.
- [Fixed] SQLite Issue.
- [Fixed] 10+ reported bugs.
Android Version 2.5 (24 December 2021)
- [Migrated] To Android 12 SDK + Build tools 31.
- [Added] Description in articles.
- [Added] Messages badge.
- [Update] Cert key is required.
- [Update] In-app billing system to version 4.
- [Fixed] 10+ Reported bugs.
Android Version 2.4 (15 November 2021)
- [Added] Ability to control the ADS system.
- [Added] Ability to lock photos or videos.
- [Updated] Chat API service.
- [Updated] For multiple packages and frameworks.
- [Updated] Cert key system.
- [Updated] PayPal and Google pay using Braintree gateway.
- Fixed 10+ Reported Bugs
Android Version 2.3 (30 September 2021)
- [Added] Smart Lock for passwords saving.
- [Added] New filter to Hot or Not and random users.
- [Added] Transactions list.
- [Added] Live Stream.
- [Added] Agora audio / video call.
- [Added] Visits list.
- [Updated] For multiple packages and frameworks.
- [Updated] Cert key system.
- [Updated] Android AOT.
- Fixed 15+ Reported Bugs
Android Version 2.2 (20 July 2021)
- [Added] Support for android 11.
- [Added] ability to Enable friends system.
- [Added] Extra fields on Registration.
- [Updated] For multiple packages and frameworks.
- [Updated] Cert key system.
- [Updated] Onesignal To Version 4.4.
- Fixed 15+ Reported Bugs
Android Version 2.1 (9 April 2021)
- [Added] Ads Colony.
- [Added] Distance Between Location.
- [Added] Extra fields on Registration.
- [Updated] For multiple packages and frameworks.
- Fixed 10+ Reported Bugs
Android Version 2.0 (3 March 2021)
- [Added] List of user likes .
- [Added] Deep links to app content.
- [Added] Support for Android 11.
- [Added] Support network security config.
- [Updated] For multiple packages and frameworks.
- Fixed 10+ Reported Bugs
Android Version 1.9 (28 Jan 2021)
- [Added] Profile URL share.
- [Update] C# to 9.0.
- [Update] Facebook SDK, Glide, OneSignal package.
- Fixed 20+ reported Bugs
Android Version 1.8 (3 December 2020)
- [Update] Migrated to AndroidX.
- [Update] Migrated to SDK 29.
- [Update] Improved Splash screen loading time by 60% faster..
- [Added] AOT Profiles.
- [Added] In-App Update Manager.
- [Added] In-App Review.
- [Added] Image and Video Viewer.
- [Added] Image and Video Viewer.
- [Update] C# to 8.0.
- [Update] Facebook SDK, Glide, OneSignal package.
- Fixed 15+ reported Bugs
Android Version 1.7 (27 June 2020)
Android Version 1.6.1 (7 May 2020)
- [Added] card swipe limit.
- [Added] checking points when sending gifts.
- [Added] facebook ads.
- [Added] json APi fast request.
- Fixed 7+ reported Bugs
Android Version 1.6 (5 April 2020)
- [Added] Two-factor authentication system.
- [Added] new UI design for profile.
- [Added] new UI Trending page.
- [Added] navorite User system.
- [Added] ability to display People I Liked.
- [Added] ability to display People I DisLiked.
- [Added] ability to display visite counts and like.
- [Added] few new animations.
- Fixed 7+ reported Bugs
Android Version 1.5 (13 March 2020)
- [Added] support for SDk 10.
- [Added] auto dark mode for app.
- [Added] ability to manage session.
- [Added] ability to view friends requests.
- [Added] ability to login via WoWonder.
- [Added] ability to view all user media.
- [Added] ability to upload video file.
- [Added] distance filter in search page.
- [Added] ability to withdraw money.
- [Added] ability to view payments histories.
- [Added] ability to view my affiliates.
- [Added] native Admob views.
- [Added] map view on user profile.
- [Update] Login via Google using last API released.
- [Update] Twilio packages to last version
- [Update] for few plugins
- Fixed 5+ reported Bugs
Android Version 1.4.3 (24 October 2019)
- Updated to work with PHP version 1.3.3
- Added hot or not with gender filter
- Added new API get Random users with filters
- Added API matches and like and visit
- Added new code for getting location with map
- New splash screen UI
- Fixed 9+ reported Bugs
Android Version 1.4 (9 September 2019)
- Added ability for Bank trancfer
- Added call popup window for incomming calls
- Added sensor event for incomming call
- Added ability to view Blogs
- Added new search filter list
- Added ability to select gender from register page
- Upgrade all the Libraries to last versions
- Decreased Apk size to 60%.
- Initialize for the Firebase App.
- Fixed 14+Bugs
Android Version 1.3 (7 August 2019)
- Added Video / Audio call system
- Added Onesignal push notifcation system.
- Added validation by email
- Fixed 12+Bugs
Android Version 1.2 (18/4/2019)
- Added In-App Purchases For Extended License
- New Image Cach system.
- Recyclerview performance improved
- Added support for ( RTL )
- Added ripple effects
- Fixed 7+Bugs
Android Version 1.0.0 First Release (12/3/2019)
- Added Credit System Paypal / Stripe.
- Added ability to boost profile.
- Added ability swipe cards left and right.
- Added ability to upgrade profile.
- Added ability to view prenium users.
- Added full Push-notifications system for all kinds of notifications.
- Added ability to send/reiceve messages.
- Added ability to login via social logins.
- Added settings prefencess screens.
- Added abilty to send Gifs.
- Secured the app of illegal uses
- Added ability to search for users online.
- High Improvement on performance of the app.
- Supports now all kind of Host TLS2/TLS3.
- Added block users system.
- Added abilty to delete account .
- Add abilty for full screen.
- Added font system .
- Added ability for offset mode.
- Added Ability To Report Users.
- Added Native like and DesLike for users
- Request App Permissions system.
- Added Native Emoji keyboard view.
- Added Empty state pages and offline pages.
- Add multilingual system with auto detect android languish .
- Added ability to display alerts , Toasts , success , errors, loadings , and more..
- Added ability to handle image download and cache load and speed.
- Added ability to handel offline mode and bad connections.
- Welcome Page : New page added on the fisrt load .
- Forget Page: Added ability for users to recover their account via email address.
- Animations : added Animations on pages and items
- Materials Design: Total new Design for the app
- Added Image croper and rotate system.
- Add Full Documentation install and errors solving .