TeleGroupBot - Telegram Group Management Software (SaaS Platform)

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Managing a growing Telegram group can be a daunting task, but fear not! Introducing TeleGroupBot, your comprehensive solution for effortless and automated Telegram group management. Say goodbye to manual tasks and hello to an engaged and well-organized community with our intelligent bot. TeleGroupBot Designed with efficiency and ease in mind, our software revolutionizes the way you run your Telegram groups. Whether you’re a community manager, a business owner, a social influencer, or anyone seeking to optimize their group’s performance, this powerful tool is tailored to meet all your needs.

TeleGroupBot - Telegram Group Management Software (SaaS Platform) - 2


Advanced Message Filtering

  • Filter Members’ Messages: Automatically filter messages to maintain a clean and relevant group discussion.
  • Filter Forwarded Messages: Remove forwarded messages containing media or links, or eliminate any kind of forwarded messages to streamline conversations.

Keyword Surveillance

  • Censor Words: Keep your group environment respectful by automatically removing messages that contain specified censor words.

Service Message Management

  • Control Group Notifications: Choose to retain or delete service messages such as “user joined the group” or “user left the group.”

New Members Restriction

  • Set New Member Restrictions: Decide how long new members will be restricted upon joining the group.

Scheduled Messages

  • Plan and Schedule: Pre-schedule messages to keep your group members informed about upcoming events, announcements, and activities

Members Activity Insight

  • Data-Driven Insights: Gain valuable insights into member activity and engagement patterns within your group.

Group Subscriber Ban and Mute

  • Manage Subscribers: Efficiently ban or mute problematic subscribers to maintain group harmony.

Demo & Documentation

You will find documentation here :
You can find demo here :

Server Requirements & Installation

  • PHP >= v8.0 & MySQL >= v5.7
  • Make sure curl is enabled , fileinfo is enabled , mbstring, is enabled, ZipArchive, is enabled, set_time_out is enabled , symlink is enabled , safe_mode is off, open_base_dir has no value, multibyte string PHP extension enabled, allow_url_fopen=1 and mysqli support is on.
  • Make sure Apache server’s mod rewrite is enabled.

Your domain must have https to use TeleGroupBot features.

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